Hard News Stories

Filtered Realities: Guest Speakers at UCF Raise Concerns About Media Bias

UCF hosted a public event for guest speakers to share the importance of acknowledging algorithm bias and media illiteracy, especially for students.

The event, called Filtered Realities: Exploring Social Media Censorship, Privacy, and Algorithm Bias, was at the Student Union in the Key West Ballroom. Guest speakers Kimberly Voss, a UCF journalism professor, Trish Murphy, a social media marketer and Laine Powell, founder and executive director of Tech Sassy Girlz, spoke out on the issue Thursday afternoon.

One Billion Rising returns to UCF: continuing the fight against sexual violence

One Billion Rising, a campaign working towards rebuilding self-love and freedom for sexual assault victims, returned to UCF on Tuesday.

UCF Victim Services collaborated with One Billion Rising at the Student Union. The event included tabling for students to learn more about the campaign, a flash mob and an empowering spoken word piece about reclaiming one's dignity after suffering through sexual violence.